I'll use the same format I did for the 15.5 month post to try to keep it somewhat consistent:
At his 18 month appointment in November he weighed in at 26 lbs and is 33.5 inches tall. His head circumference was still at 19 inches so he is catching up to his big noggin :) He was 50th percentile for weight, 75th for height and still around 75th for head size.
- Talking - See the post "Words with Bennett" for an update on all of his words - it looks like it is about 60-70 word which seems crazy in just 3 - 4 months time!
- Understanding - He understands so much right now. We can ask him to go do something and most of the time, he will get what we are saying and do it. He "helps" a lot right now, so if we ask him to put something away he usually will put it back where he got it. He loves the swiffer and does a great job of pushing it around - it helps to keep the floors nice and clean too!
- Humor - He still loves to laugh a lot and loves to make other people laugh. He loves to be tickled. He has lots of tickle spots, but the most ticklish are definitely under his chin and his thighs!
- Play - His favorite toys right now are cars and trucks, his new magnet board that Santa brought him. He also likes drawing and coloring with markers and crayons. He has also started to really play with other kids. We went to a potluck recently and he was having a little tea party with one of the other kids and they were actually pouring each other tea. Cute!
- Health - He has had a few small colds in the last few months, but nothing too major yet this cold\flu season. He does still have pretty rashy skin - he keeps getting these weird little red spots that pop up here and there. We have a prescription lotion we put on it and it usually will clear them up, but they seem to come right back.
- Teeth - He has 15 teeth right now - the four front on the top and bottom, all 4 molars and 3 of his canines He is still working on the last bottom canine and then we are supposedly done for a while. The canines have definitely been the worst for him. He usually handles teething fairly well outside of not wanting to eat a ton and being a little crabby, but we haven't had to really give him any medicine. With the canines he had a few days of being miserable, so we gave him a little advil and it really seemed to help. He loves sucking on teething rings too so that helps. The last one seems just about ready to pop in - almost!
- Food - He LOVES macaroni and cheese, especially from Zingermans (he is spoiled, I know!). He also loves watermelon, blueberries, strawberries and raspberries. He like some vegetables, but not a lot of meats. Dairy and Carbs are definitely his favorite groups. If the kid could eat just macaroni and cheese with watermelon every day he would be the happiest kid. We try to sneak a few veggies in with stuff and sometimes it goes over well, sometimes not.
- School/Daycare - Bennett is loving the older infant room at his daycare. They go outside almost every day as long as it isn't too cold or raining. They do lots of fun little arts and crafts so we got lots of little crafts sent home. I am going to start making a photo album with pictures of his stuff so I don't end up keeping crates and crates of this stuff. It is cute, but I'm sure there are only so many fingerpaintings one can keep around.
- Some other fun things he is doing...
- He still loves singing ring around the rosie and then falling DOWN.
- He has started to say "one more" when we play something like ring around the rosie or read books. He will even stick up his one little finger. It is pretty hard to resist!
- He has started saying "Cheeeese" when we take pictures and will smile for the camera