- Dada, DA - Points to Dad and says Dadda
- Mama - Points to Mom and says Mama
- Ba (Ball)
- Boo (book)
- Bu Bus (bubbles)
- Rara (dog) - And Barks (Ruh Ruh)
- Hi or Hiii!
- Duh and waves arms (done)
- Mo and points to hand (more)
- mmmmm - When eating or when seeing food in a book will go MMM.
- Hot -touches something and pulls back hand
- Up
- Will stomp feet, clap hands, touch head, touch belly
- Uh oh
- Blinks Eyes, Will spin and fall down (ring around the rosie)
- Baby
- No
- Shhh (shoes) -points to feet or picks up his shoes
- Car - usually referring to his Cozy Coupe
- Can point to head, ears, lifts shirt to show belly
- Door
- Down
- Quacks like a duck
- Nigh Nigh (Night Night) at bedtime
- Bottle
- Socks
- Kitten
- ish (Fish)
- Cracker
- Cheese
- Watermelon Kind of...pronounced "Ungha dun gen" but he knows what it refers too and always says it the same way :)
- Blocks
- Papa
- Bye or Bah-Bye
- Ipad - Said I -ya and looks around for it. he is slightly obsessed
- Lucy - "ucy" This is his friend from daycare
- Strings Hi Mama, Hi Dada, Hi Papa
- Elf - Thank you Elf on the Shelf
- Water
- Turkey
- Out
- Nose
- Eyes
- Ear
- Hair
- Can moo for cows, tweet for birds, make monkey noises, roar for lion, meow for cats
- Lights
- Yes (or Yeah)
- ME
- can make elephant noise
- Nana
- Will say HO HO HO like Santa
- Poop
- Boots
- Truck
- Tree
- Leaves
- "One more"
Crazy, right? I am sure there are more that I am not even remembering, but seeing it as a list is amazing to me. He is trying so hard to learn and communicate with us and it is really awesome to watch. Go little man!
Updated on 12/29 - Of course just after posting this I remember a bunch of other words he knows so figured I would throw them on here.
- Amy
- Sticky
- Stuck
- Dude (my parents cats name)
- Snow
- Walk
- Water
- Milk
- "Thank you" He only hums this one
- "Love you" also hummed
- Please
- In addition to saying Lights he will say "Christmas Lights"
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